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Small Business Assistance Legal Resources Information
A project of the State Bar of Wisconsin's Business Law Section
The Business Law Section is launching a new initiative to provide eligible individuals and organizations with free non-litigation business law services they could not otherwise afford, especially on urgent legal needs arising in the wake COVID-19.
Eligible participants can receive brief assistance on a wide variety of business law matters including:
Finance and lending
Insurance claims/coverage
Commercial leases and contracts
Labor and employment
Real estate
Commercial debtor/creditor
Regulatory compliance, including privacy and COVID-19 related requirements
Please note that this assistance is for business owners, not employees. Employees seeking legal aid might find resources available at https://wi.freelegalanswers.org/OtherHelp.
The Small Business Assistance will not handle:
Patent or trademark issues, or
Commercial real estate transactions.
Brief Advice
The Business Law Section is partnering with the Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinic (MVLC) to offer brief free advice consultations with respect to business law issues as noted above. Consultations will be coordinated through MVLC and held on weekday mornings via Zoom or telephone with the consultation lasting up to one hour.
Follow-up Consultation
If the business law issue cannot be adequately addressed through the Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinic’s brief consultation, the client may be referred to a volunteer business law attorney having the relevant expertise for an additional session up to 1 hour at no charge. Any such follow-up assistance will be rendered independent of the Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinic.
Attorneys interested in volunteering are encouraged to sign up using the State Bar Pro Bono Portal.
Questions? Contact Jane Corkery at jcorkery@wisbar.org.