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December 2024: In this new political context, non-profit organizations and environmental justice are under attack. We already see the chilling effects of political intimidation from lawmakers and the broader public, but we can’t let that deter us. Our communities depend on our collective action.

The Climate Justice Alliance’s (CJA) UNITE-EJ program, which was selected as a national grantmaker for the EPA's Environmental Justice Thriving Communities program (a part of the Inflation Reduction Act) HAS NOT YET RECEIVED the funds for the program that must be obligated by December 6, 2024.

These funds will be used to address air and water quality, lead and other toxins clean-up, green infrastructure, food access, emergency preparedness, and more..

Despite being a top-scoring applicant to the grantmaking role, meeting every milestone, and currently leading communities of practice for the entire program, including quality assurance, technical assistance, and communications and outreach, CJA has not received the funds, nor been told why. 

​>>> The federal government must release the Thriving Communities funds by December 6. If they don’t, they are setting a dangerous precedent to defy democratic process and the rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Can you help us ensure that we get these needed resources to frontline communities and supportive institutions that are building climate resiliency, energy democracy, food sovereignty, and community power today? 

Clean Air | Clean Water | No Lead Pipes

Quick Actions To Support #OurResourcesOurCommunities 

  • (5 min) Make a social media video about the importance of resourcing our neighborhoods, our communities, our climate projects with our template and scripts, to activate your networks and friends. Here’s a toolkit that is quick and easy to help you. You just need your phone!

  • (2 min) Ask Your Lawmakers to pressure the EPA and the White House to release these obligated funds using our click-to-call action (with phone script) and by sending this click-to-email letter to your Democratic representatives. *Don’t worry if you do not have Democratic legislators, your message will be sent to Democratic leadership.



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